Yunnan - China's most beautiful province

On the Statelets between Nanzhao and the Dali Kingdom

After the demise of Nanzhao 南诏, the Buddhist kingdom that integrated the tribes of the Erhai region in the second half of the first millennium, local strongmen proclaimed a succession of short-lived statelets before Duan Siping 段思平 in 937 CE established the Dali Kingdom 大理国.

C. Patterson Giersch: Asian Borderlands: The Transformation of Qing China's Yunnan Frontier

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Yunnan was not always China: indeed not so long ago large parts of Yunnan were only nominally part of the empire. To make Yunnan, outside the main Han cities, a Chinese province required significant effort. Here Giersch's study on Yunnan's hinterland makes an interesting if academic read.

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With its well-preserved architecture and tranquil atmosphere, Weishan's capital is Yunnan's most beautiful county town.

Ronald G. Knapp: China's Old Dwellings

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Few people know as much about Chinese architecture as Knapp: from palaces to humble homes he explains important building principles; the connection between environment and housing styles and the development of style over time. A section on minority housing styles complements the book.

An unspoilt Tibetan area along the Zhibaluo River.

Markets this Saturday

Kunming 昆明
Fazhe 法者镇
Jijie 鸡街乡
Wumeng 乌蒙乡
Shilin 石林彝族自治县
Tangdan 汤丹镇

Dali 大理
Duomei 朵美
Junhua 均化
Zhoucheng 州城
Yongping 永平县
Paiying 排营
Lijiao 力角
Shijing 师井
Liuhe 六合
Diannan 甸南
Heqing 鹤庆县
Zuòyì 作邑
Jiangwei 江尾镇

Lijiang 丽江
Jiuhe 九河
Shunzhou 顺州

Honghe 红河
Zhemi 者米拉祜族乡
Xinansuo 新安所镇
Daheishan 大黑山乡
Leyu 乐育
Shalatuo 沙拉托
Xinxian 新现乡
Longwu 龙武镇
Tongchang 铜厂
Panzihua 攀枝花

Wenshan 文山
Tiechang 铁厂镇
Babu 八布乡
Matang 马塘镇
Pingba 坪坝镇
Jiumo 旧莫乡
Zhuanjiao 篆角乡
Funing 富宁县
Mulun 睦伦乡

Chuxiong 楚雄
Dahekou 大河口乡
Wanyaoshu 弯腰树
Mixing 弥兴镇

Baoshan 保山市
Zhonghe 中和
Mangkuan 芒宽彝族傣族乡
Bawan 坝湾镇

Lincang 临沧
Menglai 勐来乡
Wumulong 乌木龙乡

Zhaotong 昭通
Shuanghe 双河

Yuxi 玉溪
Nanuo 那诺乡
Mosha 漠沙镇
Yani 亚尼
Yuanjiang 元江哈尼族彝族傣族自治县

Nujiang 怒江
Hexi 河西
Puladi 普拉底乡
Laowo 老窝
Aludi 阿路底

Puer 普洱
Menglian 孟连傣族拉祜族佤族自治县
Mengsuo 勐梭镇

Diqing 迪庆
Xiaoweixi 小维西
Kaifaqu 开发区