Yunnan - China's most beautiful province

Xu Xiake 徐霞客 in Dali

Xu Xiake (1586 - 1641) was China's first travel blogger. During the third lunar month in 1639 he travelled through Dali and recorded his experiences in his diary, posthumously published as 徐霞客游记. Is it still possible to retrace Xu's steps on the Dali plain?

Fishermen set out on Erhai during the short official fishing season.

Jim Goodman: Children of the Jade Dragon: the Naxi of Lijiang and their mountain neighbours the Yi

Cover Image
In the first half of the 1990s Lijiang had barely made its appearance on the Chinese tourism stage, even less so the then remote mountains of Ningland and Lugu Lake. Jim Goodman's account of the Naxi and the Yi draws back to a time where not everything was staged for mass tourism: an account of a lost world.

A number of Chinese historic texts covering life and politics in Yunnan have survived over the centuries. I have translated a few of them.

An ancient Bai wedding ritual only found in Yunlong county.

The Danxia, or red sandstore, cliffs around Liming are a hikers' and climbers' paradise that is just now being discovered.

Jim Goodman: The Akha: Guardians of the Forest

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The Akha, in China known as the Aini branch of the Hani people, migrated from China southwards into Laos, Burma and Thailand. In this richly illustrated book J Goodman, aka 'Akha Jim', explains their life and culture.

An unspoilt Tibetan area along the Zhibaluo River.

Markets this Sunday

Kunming 昆明
Zhuanlong 转龙镇
Xundian 寻甸回族彝族自治县
Kedu 柯渡镇

Dali 大理
Jiuzhou 旧州
Sanying 三营
Yunlong 云龙县
Binchuan 宾川县
Liantie 炼铁
Beitou 北头
Lawu 拉乌
Changxin 长新
Huangping 黄平镇
Shuanglang 双廊镇
Zuòyì 作邑
Jianchuan 剑川县
Eryuan 洱源县
Zhongjiang 中江
Pingpo 平坡
Jindunjiecun 金墩街村
Beiya 北衙
Xiazhuang 下庄镇
Midian 米甸镇
Minjian 民建乡
Niujie 牛街彝族乡
Longjie 龙街
Shalong 沙龙镇

Lijiang 丽江
Shunzhou 顺州
Hongyan 红岩

Xishuangbanna 西双版纳
Menghun 勐混
Mengman 勐满拉祜族哈尼族布朗族镇

Dehong 德宏
Husa 户撒乡
Nangsong 曩宋阿昌族乡

Honghe 红河
Pingbian 屏边苗族自治县
Mengla 勐拉
Diema 垤玛
Sancun 三村
Mengzi 蒙自县
Azhahe 阿扎河
Chake 岔科
Jiayin 甲寅
Liangdi 浪堤
Longwu 龙武镇
Baohua 宝华
Xinjie 新街
Yongning 永宁乡
Luoen 洛恩
Laomeng 老勐
Maandi 马鞍底

Wenshan 文山
Shadou 沙斗
Guangnan 广南县
Pingyuan 平远
Nijiao 腻脚彝族乡
Zhesang 者桑乡
Jijie 鸡街乡
Donggan 董干镇
Tienpeng 田蓬镇
Babao 八宝镇

Chuxiong 楚雄
Nanhua 南华县
Dayao 大姚县
Shizhong 适中乡
Bailu 白路
Yaoan 姚安县
Guanglu 光路镇

Baoshan 保山市
Manglong 芒龙

Lincang 临沧
Cangyuan 沧源佤族自治县
Lushi 鲁史
Shuangjiang 双江拉祜族佤族布朗族傣族自治县
Quannei 圈内
Junsai 军赛乡
Zhenkang 镇康县

Zhaotong 昭通
Shuitian 水田
Linfeng 麟风

Yuxi 玉溪
Yani 亚尼
Yuanjiang 元江哈尼族彝族傣族自治县
Nanuo 那诺乡

Nujiang 怒江
Liuku 六库
Tongdian 通甸

Puer 普洱
Lancang 澜沧拉祜族自治县
Fuyan 富岩