Yunnan - China's most beautiful province

A Republic Era Map of Dali

A Republic Era map shows the development of the Dali region over the last hundred years.

The archery competition is an integral part of the Dali Third Month Fair.

Brenda McLean: George Forrest, Plant Hunter

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George Forrest, perhaps the most successful plant collector of his time, left little written about his numerous journeys to Yunnan, so this well-illustrated book fills in much needed detail about his life.

A number of Chinese historic texts covering life and politics in Yunnan have survived over the centuries. I have translated a few of them.

Extremely beautiful Wenchang Temple, created in part by national level Intangible Cultural Heritage transmitter Li Yunyi.

Best surviving station on the French-built Vietnam-Kunming railway.

Liao Yiwu: God is Red: The Secret Story of How Christianity Survived and Flourished in Communist China

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Liao Yiwu, one of China's most prominent dissidents, was driven out of China, but not before he used a period of internal exile to research Christian groups, mainly in Yunnan. In this book he tells the stories of the Christians of Dali and of Wuding county.

Rushan is a dried cheese made from cow-milk.

Largest Miao village in the Kunming area with a large Christian community and a nationally-acclaimed church-choir.

Markets this Thursday

Kunming 昆明
Jijie 鸡街乡

Dali 大理
Niujie 牛街
Yangcen 羊岑
Biaocun 表村
Maidi 脉地
Taiyi 太邑彝族乡
Qiaohou 乔后
Daying 大营
Huangping 黄平镇
Zhongjiang 中江

Lijiang 丽江
Shunzhou 顺州

Xishuangbanna 西双版纳
Xiding 西定哈尼族乡

Dehong 德宏
Kachang 卡场镇
Lianghe 梁河县

Honghe 红河
Shengcun 生村
Dianwei 甸尾乡
Heping 和平乡
Shalatuo 沙拉托
Daheigong 大黑公
Wuwan 乌弯
Longwu 龙武镇
Baixian 白显
Tongchang 铜厂
Panzihua 攀枝花
Zhemi 者米拉祜族乡

Wenshan 文山
Tiechang 铁厂镇
Babu 八布乡
Zhuanjiao 篆角乡
Banlun 板仑乡
Mulun 睦伦乡

Chuxiong 楚雄
Jiyi 己衣乡
Shizhong 适中乡
Tanhua 昙花乡
Sanchahe 三岔河乡
Dongpo 东坡傣族乡
Guanglu 光路镇

Baoshan 保山市
Mangbang 芒棒
Wafang 瓦房彝族白族乡

Lincang 临沧
Yongde 永德县
Danjia 单甲乡
Wumulong 乌木龙乡
Fuhe 复合
Mengdui 孟堆乡

Zhaotong 昭通
Linfeng 麟风
Shuitian 水田

Yuxi 玉溪
Mosha 漠沙镇
Yani 亚尼
Yuanjiang 元江哈尼族彝族傣族自治县
Nanuo 那诺乡

Nujiang 怒江
Jiakedi 架科底乡
Pihe 匹河怒族乡

Puer 普洱
Jiangcheng 江城哈尼族彝族自治县
Mangxin 芒信镇
Qiannuo 千糯