Yunnan - China's most beautiful province

Early Maps of Yunnan

The history of maps in Yunnan began more than a thousand years ago. But it was the Jesuits who revolutionised mapping in China, producing the first accurate maps of the provinces, including remote Yunnan.

The annual fair at Shaba, called the Fishpond Fair 渔潭会, starts every year on the day of the Midautumn Festival 中秋节, and runs for a week. Attracting a local crowd, it remains a much more rustic fair than the massive Third Month Fair 三月街 and livestock is still traded here.

Judith Shapiro: Mao's War Against Nature: Politics and the Environment in Revolutionary China

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Even if Chinese civilization has developed more against than with nature, the Mao years were a particular exercise in environmental destruction. In one case-study Shapiro tells the story of the draining of the northern part of Dianchi Lake, one of the first steps turning Kunming's lake into the fetid cess-pool it is today.

A number of Chinese historic texts covering life and politics in Yunnan have survived over the centuries. I have translated a few of them.

Remote temple on mountain top, site of religious gathering at the end of the New Year period.

Unspoiled Weishan boast Yunnan's most beautiful county town, an important Taoist mountain and areas of strong Muslim and Yi tradition.

Brenda McLean: George Forrest, Plant Hunter

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George Forrest, perhaps the most successful plant collector of his time, left little written about his numerous journeys to Yunnan, so this well-illustrated book fills in much needed detail about his life.

The old border crossing to Guizhou.

Markets this Wednesday

Kunming 昆明
Shilin 石林彝族自治县
Tuanjie 团结
Longtou 龙头街
Kedu 柯渡镇

Dali 大理
Duomei 朵美
Junhua 均化
Wanqiao 湾桥
Shunbi 順濞
Shaba 沙坝
Liuhe 六合
Heqing 鹤庆县
Shuanglang 双廊镇
Zhongying 种英
Shanglan 上兰
Zhouguanying 周官营
Gongguoqiao 功果桥镇
Shangcang 上沧
Longjie 龙街
Xiazhuang 下庄镇
Shalong 沙龙镇

Honghe 红河
Zhicun 芷村镇
Mengla 勐拉
Niujiaozhai 牛角寨
Baiyun 白云乡
Yongning 永宁乡
Tutai 土台
Maandi 马鞍底
Hongtian 红田

Wenshan 文山
Shadou 沙斗
Nijiao 腻脚彝族乡
Jijie 鸡街乡
Donggan 董干镇
Tienpeng 田蓬镇
Jiumo 旧莫乡

Chuxiong 楚雄
Maojie 猫街镇
Mixing 弥兴镇
Yaoan 姚安县

Baoshan 保山市
Xinzhai 新寨
Hehua 荷花傣族佤族乡

Lincang 临沧
Lushi 鲁史
Mengding 孟定
Nanmei 南美拉祜族乡
Banhong 班洪乡

Zhaotong 昭通
Shuanghe 双河

Yuxi 玉溪
Chahe 岔河
Dalongtan 大龙潭

Nujiang 怒江
Lazan 腊咱
Lumadeng 鹿马登乡

Puer 普洱
Nuofu 糯福
Mengma 孟马镇

Diqing 迪庆
Zhonglu 中路
Kaifaqu 开发区