Yunnan - China's most beautiful province

From Niujiaozhai to Yuanyang

Yuanyang county, south of the Red River in the province's southeast, is famous for its Hani rice-terraces. With its splendid vistas and ethnic mix it is also a great area for hiking. Here we describe a moderate day-hike starting at the market-town of Niujiaozhai, passing through Yi and Hani villages and ending with stunning sunset vistas over the rice-terraces of Longshuba.

The archery competition is an integral part of the Dali Third Month Fair.

C. Patterson Giersch: Asian Borderlands: The Transformation of Qing China's Yunnan Frontier

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Yunnan was not always China: indeed not so long ago large parts of Yunnan were only nominally part of the empire. To make Yunnan, outside the main Han cities, a Chinese province required significant effort. Here Giersch's study on Yunnan's hinterland makes an interesting if academic read.

Yunnan Tours

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Jim Goodman: Children of the Jade Dragon: the Naxi of Lijiang and their mountain neighbours the Yi

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In the first half of the 1990s Lijiang had barely made its appearance on the Chinese tourism stage, even less so the then remote mountains of Ningland and Lugu Lake. Jim Goodman's account of the Naxi and the Yi draws back to a time where not everything was staged for mass tourism: an account of a lost world.

A well-preserved Bai merchant town with perhaps the best examples of Bai traditional architecture.

Yunnan's only Shui-Township with stunning karst scenery.

Markets this Friday

Kunming 昆明
Jijie 鸡街乡
Jinsuo 金所乡

Dali 大理
Nanxin 南新
Hecun 萂村
Gunipen 沽泥盆
Huangping 黄平镇
Jiancao 捡槽
Xintun 辛屯
Songgui 松桂
Gudi 古底
Wuxing 五星
Pingchuan 平川
Yangbi 漾濞彝族自治县
Baidangping 白荡坪
Caojian 漕间
Shaxi 沙溪
Yousuo 右所镇

Lijiang 丽江
Shigu 石鼓镇
Yongsheng 永胜县
Banqiao 板桥

Honghe 红河
Shengcun 生村
Xinhua 新华乡
Lengdun 冷墩
Lengquan 冷泉镇
Shalatuo 沙拉托
Dongshan 东山镇
Shitouzhai 石头寨
Shaochong 哨冲镇
Niujie 牛街镇
Zhemi 者米拉祜族乡
Tongchang 铜厂
Panzihua 攀枝花

Wenshan 文山
Tiechang 铁厂镇
Babu 八布乡
Zhuanjiao 篆角乡
Banlun 板仑乡
Mulun 睦伦乡

Chuxiong 楚雄
Qianchang 前场镇
Dalongkou 大龙口乡
Jiuchang 九厂
Guihua 桂花乡

Baoshan 保山市
Xinzhai 新寨
Hehua 荷花傣族佤族乡

Lincang 临沧
Mengding 孟定
Wumulong 乌木龙乡
Nanmei 南美拉祜族乡
Banhong 班洪乡

Zhaotong 昭通
Shikan 石坎
Jiucheng 旧城
Weixin 威信
Changan 长安

Yuxi 玉溪
Yangjie 羊街乡
Dianzhong 甸中

Nujiang 怒江
Chenggan 称杆
Daxingdi 大兴地乡
Zilijia 子里甲乡

Puer 普洱
Jiangcheng 江城哈尼族彝族自治县
Nuofu 糯福
Mengma 孟马镇

Diqing 迪庆
Jiagetu 价格土