Publications starting with S
James Legge: Sacred Books of China
James Legge: Sacred Books of China
马健雄 (Ma Jianxiong): Salt and Revenue in Frontier Formation
Joseph Earle Spencer: Salt in China
Tao-Chang Chiang: Salt Industry of Ming China
Charles Henry Brewitt-Taylor: San Kuo
Walter Liebenthal: Sanskrit Inscriptions from Yunnan I
Carole McGranahan: Sa Spang Mda' Gnam Spang Mda': Murder, History, and Social Politics in 1920s Lhasa
Jacqueline M. Armijo-Hussein: Sayyid'Ajall Shams al-Din
Thilo Diefenbach: Schlacht am Fei (383) und ihre Folgen
Joseph Needham: Science and Civilisation in China
Joseph Needham: Science and Civilisation in China
Joseph Needham: Science and Civilisation in China
Joseph Needham: Science and Civilisation in China
Blythe McCarthy and Jennifer Giaccai: Scientific Studies of Pigments in Chinese Paintings
G.E. (Lady Scott) Mitton: Scott of the Shan Hills
Stephen F. Teiser: Scripture of the Ten Kings and the Making of Purgatory in Medieval Chinese Buddhism
Mark Elvin and Liu Ts'ui-jung: Sediments of Time
F. Kingdon Ward: Seinghku and Delei Valleys, North-East Frontier of India
Li Yi: Selected Cultural Relics of the Nationalities Collected by Yunnan Provincial Museum 人类学家的博物馆 - 云南省博物馆民族文博藏品选
Hoyt Cleveland Tillman: Selected Historical Sources for Three Kingdoms
Luciano Petech: Selected Papers on Asian History
: Selection of Papers regarding the Hill Tracts between Assam and Burmah and on the Upper Brahmaputra
Oliver Weller: Sels, eau et forêt d’hier à aujourd’hui
Boleslaw Szcezeniak: Seventeenth Century Maps of China
Sao Saimong Mangrai: Shan States and the British Annexation
马健雄 (Ma Jianxiong): Shaping of the Yunnan-Burma Frontier by Secret Societies since the End of the 17th Century
Li Foyi: Shier Banna Jinian
Jefferson Fox, Dao Minh Truong, A. Terry Rambo, Nghiem Phuong Tuyen, Le Trong Cuc and Stephen Leisz: Shifting Cultivation: A New Old Paradigm for Managing Tropical Forests
Herbert Franke: Siege and Defense of Towns in Medieval China
Sean Marsh: Simple Natives and Cunning Merchants
Richard von Glahn: Sinister Way
Graham Thurgood and Randy J. LaPolla: Sino-Tibetan Languages
Li Man Kin: Sino-Vietnamese War
Alan Winnington: Slaves of the Cool Mountains
Tien Wen: Snow Mountain Eagle
Francis Kingdon Ward: Snow Mountains of Yunnan
Shih Kuo-Heng: Social Implications of Tin-Mining in Yunnan
Li Peilin: Social Transformation and Chinese Experience
Cai Hua: Society without Fathers or Husbands: The Na of China
RG Woodthorpe: Some Account of the Shans and Hill Tribes of the States on the Mekong
Kazuo Enoki: Some Remarks on the Country of Ta-ch'in as Known to the Chinese under the Sung
Sara L. M. Davis: Song and Silence: Ethnic Revival on China's Southwest Borders
B.N. Aziz and M. Kapstein: Soundings in Tibetan Civilization
Koichi Shinohara: Source Analysis of the Rujing Lu
Rosemary Scott and John Guy: South East Asia and China
Geoff Wade: Southeast Asia in the Ming Shi-lu
Lynnn A. Struve: Southern Ming, 1644-1662
Lynn A. Struve: Southern Ming, 1644-1662
Sven Hedin: Southern Tibet
Reitlinger: South of the Clouds
Bradley Mayhew and Thomas Huhti: South West China
Megan Bryson: Southwestern Chan
巫鸿 (Wu Hung): Spatial Dunhuang
Hans Van Ess: Ssu-ma Hsiang-ju, Memoir 57
Joseph Peter Dermott: State and Court Ritual in China
Long Chun-Lin, Jefferson Fox, Lu Xing, Gao Lihong, Cai Kui and Wang Jieru: State Policies, Markets, Land-Use Practices, and Common Property: Fifty Years of Change in a Yunnan Village, China
Joseph W. Stilwell: Stillwell Papers
Barbara Tuchman: Stilwell and the American Experience in China
Francis Allard: Stirrings at the Periphery
William H. Hudspeth: Stone Gateway and the Flowery Miao
Samuel Pollard: Story of the Miao
: Strata of Bai
Roger Blench: Stratification in the peopling of China: how far does the linguistic evidence match genetics and archaeology?
A. J. Broomhall: Strong Man's Prey
John L. Bishop: Studies of Governmental Institutions in Chinese History
Ping Ti Ho: Studies on the Population of China, 1368-1953
李霖灿 (Li Lincan): Study of the Nan-chao and Ta-li Kingdoms in the Light of Art Material found in various Museums
Qin Jiazheng and Qian Xiaodong: Study on medium-short term earthquake forecast in Yunnan province by precursory events
Adrian Snodgrass: Symbolism of the Stupa
Li Chaomin: System of Tribute Equalisation in the Han