Various Benzhu Festivals
Benzhu are local protector deities in the Dali area, their worship is a key element of Bai identity.
In the Dali area, almost every Bai village has a Benzhu Temple, the home of a local protector spirit. These protector spirits are mostly historic figures, such as local heros, kings, generals or others who have through good deeds won the adulation of the local population.
Each Benzhu usually has his own festival day, with activities varying greatly from place to place.
See related festivals.
掌兵太子有感之神、河阳文武有感之神 大理市喜洲镇角盈村
邓将军邓子龙 大理市下关镇天井村
镇国灵天神、新王太子辅化景帝 大理市喜洲镇金圭寺村
赤子龙王、阖壁乾坤露慈圣帝 大理市下关镇石坪村
护国安邦青禄二官济民太子 大理市凤仪镇小北营村
铁柱将军孟获 大理市下关镇四十里桥村
三老爷显灵育仁护国文帝 洱源县牛街乡松坪村、田村、大同村、西坡村等
灵明天子福荫景帝 剑川县金华镇白沙鼻、代家登、沙龙登等村
托塔李天王、雪山太子、北方天王、东海龙王 剑川县金华镇黄蜂场(甸心)、南坡脚、北坡、格子箐等村
北山老爷、富贵老爷、北方天王、二老爷、三老爷、雪山太子、周钟玉、新爷太子、君景帝 金华镇新华村
Festival held according to lunar calendar on 农历1月13.