Bawo Village Stepping in the Fields 松桂宝窝踩田

Monday, 3. February 2025 in 松桂宝窝

A strange field blessing ceremony

Benzhu are local protector deities in the Dali area, their worship is a key element of Bai identity. In the Dali area, almost every Bai village has a Benzhu Temple, the home of a local protector spirit. These protector spirits are mostly historic figures, such as local heros, kings, generals or others who have through good deeds won the adulation of the local population. Each Benzhu usually has his own festival day, with activities varying greatly from place to place.

See related festivals.

Two female deities are dragged through the fields to ensure a good harvest. 正月初六 是松桂宝窝村的本主会。凡本主会 人们都要用三牲大礼祭祀老爷。而宝窝村民 不用食品敬献本主 而是 “请”本主与人们一齐 “劳动”。据传 宝窝村的本主 原是一户农户的姑嫂俩 因为村民寻找水源劳累而死 被村民尊为龙姑、龙嫂本主 并雕木像供奉。她俩虽成了神 仍不忘为民造福 忠魂附在木像上 随时为民效劳。是日 村民用轿子把本主神像抬到田边 用彩绸拴住木像腰身 在全村人栽种的麦田中拖行 称本主 “踩田”。据说 经本主“踩 ” 过的田 麦苗长势特好 定会获得大丰收。 (章虹宇.鹤庆白族本主会[J].大理民族文化研究论丛,2006,(00):300-308.)
Festival held according to lunar calendar on 农历1月初6.