Yunnan · Dali · Jianchuan · Shaxi
Diantou Village 甸头村

Northernmost village in the Shaxi valley.
Shaxi Huilong Temple 回龙庵:

Typical Bai village north of Shaxi.

At the northern end of the village is the village temple complex, which a few years back turned into a tourism centre and vegetarian restaurant, which seem mostly closed.

The village's Benzhu Temple sits to the west on the slope of the mountain.

Travel Notes

The Pear Orchard Temple at the northern end of the village is sometimes a vegetarian restaurant, but mostly closed. The locals now mostly congregate opposite the village pond 龙眼潭. Legend has it that a dragon lives in the pond and if a villagers is short of bowls and chopsticks he can ask the dragon to borrow some. Minibusses between Shaxi and Jianchuan pass regularly, but might be full.

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