Yunnan · Dali · Yunlong
Baofeng Township 宝丰镇

Historic center of Yunlong county with some old buildings.
Picture: Dali Intangible Cultural Heritage
Baofeng Benzhu Festival: Dali Intangible Cultural Heritage

Baofeng is a nice old town on the river bank of the Bijiang. Baofeng was once an important salt-producing center and a number of historic sites still exist.

There used to be five salt wells in Baofeng town, of these 雒马井 is currently being restored. The nearby 金泉井 is only an empty field, the three others are not visible any more.

Travel Notes

Baofeng's tourism is just starting to get developed. Due to its proximity to the county town, there seems to be no accomodation in town. Minibusses to Yunlong town are easy.


Confucius Sacrifice 28 Sep 2025

Benzhu Worship (Baofeng) 21 Feb 2026