The various Lisu groups in Xiangyun county receive government money to maintain their customs, resulting in an eclectic mix of activities, that are nevertheless good fun. In Lilame 立腊么 village in Xiangyun 祥云 on the second day of the second month Dragon Worship is conducted to pray for sufficient water.
Every year, on the 26th day of the 6th lunar month, the Yi in Fuchang 副长 village of northern Midu 弥渡 county conduct a ritual martial play called 操兵, meaning 'military drill', that commemorates soldiers going out to war in the Qing dynasty.
In Dali's Sanwenbi village 三文笔 a new statue in honour of Wenchang 文昌 is brought to life by painting chicken blood onto the statue's eyes, ears, heart, lips and fingernails.
Just a few old ladies of the Lotus Pond Society 莲池会 in Sanwenbi 三文笔 village attending the festival in honour of the local Benzhu 本主 is perhaps a sign of a slowly dying ancient religious culture.