Yuxi Busterminal 玉溪客运站

Yuxi's large terminal in the centre of town has very frequent departures to Kunming, Tonghai, Xinping and all other towns in the Yuxi Region. Time to Kunming is about 90 minutes.

Below are images of timetables and maps for this station. Click on any image to enlarge.

Yuxi Busterminal 玉溪客运站 Yuxi Busterminal 玉溪客运站 Yuxi Busterminal 玉溪客运站 Yuxi Busterminal 玉溪客运站 Yuxi Busterminal 玉溪客运站 Yuxi Busterminal 玉溪客运站 Yuxi Busterminal 玉溪客运站

Last update for this entry: February 2012

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