Abstract: Based on the existing inscription on the Nanzhao Moralization Tablet, the historical documents in the Qing Dynasty and the permutation of the words recorded on the rubbings as well as the special treatment and principles, which was stuck to when the inscription was engraved, the author analyzes the permutation of the words in the original inscription on the tablet. Through restoration it can be concluded that there are 46 lines on the front-surface of the tablet and on its back where the official inscribed his name, there are 42 lines, which is also proved by the newly found documents.
Abstract: 南诏中后期,由于南诏统治阶级的推崇以及佛教的普及,云南境内掀起了一股佛寺建设的浪潮。同时,由于南诏军队攻破成都,掠回一批身怀技艺的汉族工匠,在这批工匠的技艺支持下,南诏开始了大量高大佛塔的建设。作为南诏佛塔主流部分的方形密檐塔,师法的不是通常认为的西安小雁塔,而是河南登封的法王寺塔。有部分南诏密檐塔为八边形,另有一座特殊的磬锤状塔——大姚白塔,其基座亦八边形须弥座。